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Real estate held in December 2020



举办时间:2020年12月10日 -- 2020年12月12日

举办展馆: 上海新国际博览中心   中国上海浦东新区龙阳路2345号




展会面积:23000 m2


举办届数:17 届



展会名称 场馆 开展时间 结束时间 面积 关注度
第十五届核电前沿高峰论坛暨新建机组大会(NNBS 2024) 上海市 2024/12/05 2024/12/06 未知 387 人
EURONAVAL2024第29届欧洲法国(巴黎)国际海事防务展 法国巴黎北维勒班展览中心 2024/11/04 2024/11/07 30000 m2 708 人
IDEAS2024第12届巴基斯坦(卡拉奇)国际防务与军警展 巴基斯坦 2024/11/19 2024/11/22 12600 m2 760 人
金秋送爽,硕果累累——深圳.2024第111届糖酒商品交易会 深圳国际会展中心(新馆) 2024/10/29 2024/10/31 220000 m2 910 人
2024上海秋季全食展-第23届全球高端食品展览会 国家会展中心(上海) 2024/08/21 2024/08/23 80000 m2 936 人
2024第三十届广州酒店家具展览会 中国进出口商品交易会展馆(琶洲馆) 2024/12/19 2024/12/21 300000 m2 216 人


2020 the 17th Shanghai overseas real estate immigration and study abroad investment exhibition
Time: December 10-12 2020
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center (2345 Longyang Road Pudong New Area)
Organizer: Shanghai Qishun Exhibition Service Co. Ltd
Organizer: Shanghai Qishun Exhibition Service Co. Ltd
Exhibition overview:
Shanghai overseas real estate investment immigration and study abroad exhibition will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center from December 14 to 16 2020. It is expected to welcome 35 countries from China the United States Japan Canada Australia the United Kingdom Spain Portugal Germany the Netherlands Switzerland South Korea Singapore Mongolia Malaysia Thailand Indonesia Cyprus Malta etc More than 200 exhibitors from home and region attended the exhibition. In addition the "overseas real estate investment and real estate lecture" will be held and more than 30 themed real estate lectures will be launched in hot countries or regions such as the United States the European Union Canada Australia Germany the United Kingdom and the Asia Pacific plate. Multiple products multiple positioning multiple environments and multiple choices. Overseas real estate experts answered hot topics on the spot such as tax purchase qualification how to choose investment projects rate of return on investment regional analysis of the advantages of real estate projects in various countries and regions investment environment purchase precautions etc.  
Exhibition scope:
Domestic and foreign developers high-end properties apartments luxury villas golf villas Linshui villas resort hotels castles ski resorts yacht docks seascape houses and tourism real estate etc
Overseas real estate: overseas real estate developers agents overseas real estate high-end property apartments luxury villas golf villas Linshui villas resort hotels castles ski resorts yacht terminals land farms wineries islands and other facilities
Investment immigration and others: Overseas Immigration Agency and consulting service agency investment immigration agency EB-5 regional center etc
Villas: Joint villas duplex villas single villas; large-scale buildings medium and high-end apartments hotels and Holiday Apartments
Commercial real estate: main commercial street shopping mall community commercial house shopping mall business building and shopping center
International investment institutions: banks securities firms law firms funds private equity institutions etc
International Education and study tour institutions: international schools international language training institutions international vocational training institutions study tour institutions etc
Overseas Yi therapy: high-end Yi therapy customized institutions gene testing overseas medical treatment Yi therapy institutions travel agencies health care institutions Yi therapy insurance middle Yi healthcare institutions high-end Yi therapy / private Yi students health management and health examination centers etc
● booth rate:
A. Standard booth: 3 * 3 = 9m2 3 * 6 = 18m2 2800 yuan / m2
(booth configuration: one ktplate with Chinese and English lintel one negotiation round table four chairs; one information table two chairs; carpet 220V
One power socket and two spotlights).
B. Special booth: domestic enterprises: 2500 yuan / m2 foreign enterprises: 520usd / m2 (starting from 36m2 of indoor bare land no configuration is provided exhibitors can arrange special decoration or entrust the organization unit to recommend the booth construction company);
● other advertisements:
Handbag: 30000 yuan / 10000 pieces
50000 yuan / 5000 exhibiting cards
Visit certificate 100000 yuan / 50000 pieces
Billboard: 30000 yuan (6x4) M
Admission ticket: RMB 30000 / 100000
Note: 30000 tickets (70mmx210 mm)
● exhibition procedures:
A. Fill in the application form for exhibition and stamp it with official seal then mail or fax it to the Organizing Committee of the conference; the exhibitors shall pay 50% of the booth fee as the deposit (RMB) within 5 working days as required by the payment notice to confirm the booth location; the balance of the booth fee shall be paid before November 20 2020 and you are welcome to pay it in a lump sum. Otherwise the organizer will regard it as giving up the exhibition and the exhibitor will not return the exhibition fee if he / she withdraws halfway after registration.
B. After confirming the booth the organizer will send the exhibition manual to the exhibitor. The manual includes information about exhibits transportation booth design and construction travel and accommodation arrangement and articles rental. The exhibitor must fill in the relevant forms in the manual as required and return them to the organizer before the deadline.
C. The principle of booth sequence allocation is "apply first remit first arrange first". Only after receiving the deposit of booth fee can the organizer implement the booth reserved by the exhibitor.
Simultaneous activities 2020 overseas real estate and immigration investment lectures and forums
contact information
Address: room 312 building 1 Fox Business Building No. 89 Huguang East Road Minhang District Shanghai
Contact person: Director Wang Gang (+ 86) 18317007116 (the same as wechat)
Micro signal: shanghaizhanhui QQ: 694488608
Website: http://www.fangdichanzhan.com email: 694488608@qq.com







Real estate held in December 2020--参展指南

Real estate held in December 2020,由上海企顺展览服务有限公司主办,本展会于2020/12/10 至 2020/12/12在上海新国际博览中心举办,展厅面积23000平方米。







参展咨询:点击这里给我发消息 参观咨询:点击这里给我发消息


Real estate held in December 2020--展会新闻


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