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展会信息来源: 发布时间:2018-02-09 09:10 关注人数:


时间:2018年5月13日                     地点:上海
08:30  中外领导嘉宾会晤
08:50  交流会开幕
09:10  主题发言  国家质检总局
09:30  进口食品境外加工企业的注册与监管
10:00  中国肉类行业发展动态及展望
10:20  茶歇
10:50  中国农产品贸易与进出境动植物检验检疫
11:10  乌拉圭肉类安全体系与中国合作
11:30  中国进出口食品监管体系
11:50  德国食品出口贸易政策与监管体系分析
12:30  午餐
14:00  欧盟禽流感的防控措施及现状
14:20  进出口水产品检验检疫监督管理
14:40  西班牙肉类质量监管体系及与中国的合作
15:00  欧盟和波兰家禽业应对中国市场的挑战
15:20  茶歇
16:00  婴幼儿配方乳粉配方注册及其管理要求
16:20  中巴农业合作进展
16:40  美中农业贸易现状
17:00  酒会
18:00  晚宴
The 4th International Import & Export Food Policy, Laws and Regulations Summit 2018 Agenda (Draft)
Date: May 13th, 2018                   Venue: Shanghai
Hosted by: CIQA
Organized by: Golden Commercial
08:30  Sino-Foreign Leaders Meeting
08:50  Opening Ceremony                                                 
 Leaders of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine     
 Leaders of Shanghai Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau
 China Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association
09:00  Keynote Speech 
  General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
09:30  Registration and Supervision of  Overseas Imported Food Processing Enterprises
Registration Department of CNCA of P.R.C.
10:00  Development and Prospect of Meat Industry in China
10:20  Coffee Break
10:50  China’s Agricultural Products Trade and Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine
       Department of Supervision on Animal and Plant Quarantine  of AQSIQ
11:10  Meat Safety System in Uruguay and Cooperation with China
       Uruguay Ministry of Food and Agriculture
11:30  Import & Export Food Supervision System in China
Bureau of Import and Export Food Safety of AQSIQ
11:50  German Food Export Trade Policy and Regulatory System Analysis
      German Ministry of Food and Agriculture
12:30  Lunch
14:00  Prevention, Control Measures and Status of Avian Influenza in European
      President of the European Poultry Association
14:20  The Supervision and Administration of Import and Export Aquatic Products Inspection and Quarantine
       Bureau of Import and Export Food Safety of AQSIQ
14:40  Meat Quality Supervision System in Spain and Cooperation with China               Spanish Ministry of Food and Agriculture
15:00   EU and Polish Poultry Industry Answering the Challenges of Chinese Market
       National Poultry Council-Chamber of Commerce
15:20   Coffee Break
16:00   Formula Registration and Management Requirements for Infant Formula Milk Powder
16:20   The Progress of China-Brazil Agricultural Cooperation        Brazil Ministry of Food and Agriculture
16:40  The Current Situation of U.S.-China Agricultural Trade     
 the United States Embassy  in China
17:00  Reception
18:00  Banquet
  Note: Agenda is subject to change, please refer to on-site notice